Monday, October 29, 2018

Bragging Rights!

Every photographer likes to show off their work and sometimes like to brag a bit about it, I think I take this post to do a bit of bragging myself. One weekend me and three friends were in a photography competition called "Shoot the Hills" which takes place in south eastern Ohio I took the above image. I titled it Mary's Hands and used it as one of my entry's and it won first place in it's division.

This next image is one that I took at a Raven Rock State Nature Preserve in Southern Ohio just outside of Portsmouth Ohio. This image was used for the cover of a book called Rainbows of Rock, Tables of Stone: The Natural Arches and Pillars of Ohio.

And this final image I have titled Grandpa's Hand, is an image of my youngest holding my father's hand while taking a walk. This one was entered into a contest that the Southern Baptist Convention was holding. I entered it as one of my entries and was awarded third prize.

I could tell you more about many other images but I guess I should stop bragging and come up with another blog post for next week.

Keep shooting and always take a little time to brag about some of your images.

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Photography Tips

Earthbound Light - Nature Photography from the Pacific Northwest and beyond by Bob Johnson

My favorite photographers in no special order.

  • Walker Evans
  • Todd Kuhns
  • Earl Pitman
  • Elliott Erwitt
  • Evelyn Cameron
  • Ansel Adams

My Favorite Authors in no specific order

  • Terry Goodkind
  • Corrie tenBoom
  • Christopher Paolini
  • Marcus Mullins
  • Frank Peretti
  • J.R.R. Tolkein
  • C.S. Lewis

My favorite books in no specific order

  • The Prayer of Jabez
  • Soda Pop
  • Peter's Wagon
  • Look, Theres a mouse in our house
  • Pippa Mouses House
  • The Hiding Place
  • The Inheretance Series (Eragon, Eldest, ?)
  • the Bible
  • Photographing Montana
  • The Chronicles of Narnia series
  • The Lord of the Rings trilogy
  • The Hobbit

Gary's Book Wish List

  • Silence and Solitude by Tom Murphy

What color of socks are more comfortable?

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This is just a little hobby I have started. It is my goal to make a new post each day. Please feel free to sign up as a follower of this blog just below this message. Please check back often to see what I have added.

Thanks for visiting,

Gary - A.K.A. - Photoman

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