Black Friday was madness and mayhem but I had fun. Watching people fight over towels and pillows what could be more entertaining. I have only done Black Firday at Wal-Mart I have never had the desire to camp out in a Best Buy parking lot. I just enjoy meeting and talking with people who are also brave enough (or dumb enough) to go out on Black Friday and be a part of the mayhem. For the most part the people are all just out for a good deal but some like me are just out to be a part of something crazy and exciting. As a kid I grew up standing in line at Kings Island waiting for a ride on a roller coaster. Black Friday is much the same except the line doesn’t move for hours and then all of a sudden the clock strikes twelve and in 30 seconds the ride is over. If you are lucky you come off the ride with a wireless inkjet printer or f you are super lucky an X-box 360. Sometimes you come away with only having the opportunity to have met someone you would not have otherwise met. I never got the name of the man or the woman next to me in line but I found out that my daughter is friends with this man’s granddaughter and that the woman next to me has to children who she home schools. They used to be at a Christian school in Fairborn but now she is homeschooling them. She is divorced and living with her mom, both she and her mom are doing college online and they wear out their printers printing their books for their classes. Stand next to a person for 2 hours and you can learn a lot about them if you just listen.
It is fun to watch people go crazy over cheaply priced stuff. People stood in line for hours to buy movies for $1.96. It was so crazy people were filling shopping carts with movies and finding a less busy spot in the store to look through the 100 or so movies they threw in their cart without looking at them. Then they would walk away with less than 10 that they truly wanted. The other 90 or so left in the cart for someone else to deal with. Yes, I was guilty of this but just to be straight about it, I wasn’t the only who did this and it was from the others that I got the idea. I did at least return the ones that I didn’t want back to where the movies came from.
My wife thought I was dumb to go out, she stayed home and relaxed in my La-Z-Boy while I took my 3 daughters out for the fun. When she found out that I was writing about it, she now thinks I am crazy. Crazy maybe, dumb I don’t think so but everyone has a right to their own opinion.
As I said earlier I have only done Black Friday at Wal-Mart I have never had the desire to camp out in a line for 24 hours to get a great deal on a TV. I have often thought about doing an all night shopping trip going from store to store and mall to mall but have never done it yet. I guess my desire to sleep is stronger than my desire to stay out all night shopping, who knows what the future holds. My oldest daughter recently wrote a paper at school depicting me as a person who lives on the cuff making decisions on a whim so you just never know next year you may see me at four in the morning drinking a Pepsi and hanging out with the crowd at Old Navy or American Eagle, just to save a buck on a pair of jeans. I guess I have a reputation to live up to with my daughter!
It is fun to watch people go crazy over cheaply priced stuff. People stood in line for hours to buy movies for $1.96. It was so crazy people were filling shopping carts with movies and finding a less busy spot in the store to look through the 100 or so movies they threw in their cart without looking at them. Then they would walk away with less than 10 that they truly wanted. The other 90 or so left in the cart for someone else to deal with. Yes, I was guilty of this but just to be straight about it, I wasn’t the only who did this and it was from the others that I got the idea. I did at least return the ones that I didn’t want back to where the movies came from.
My wife thought I was dumb to go out, she stayed home and relaxed in my La-Z-Boy while I took my 3 daughters out for the fun. When she found out that I was writing about it, she now thinks I am crazy. Crazy maybe, dumb I don’t think so but everyone has a right to their own opinion.
As I said earlier I have only done Black Friday at Wal-Mart I have never had the desire to camp out in a line for 24 hours to get a great deal on a TV. I have often thought about doing an all night shopping trip going from store to store and mall to mall but have never done it yet. I guess my desire to sleep is stronger than my desire to stay out all night shopping, who knows what the future holds. My oldest daughter recently wrote a paper at school depicting me as a person who lives on the cuff making decisions on a whim so you just never know next year you may see me at four in the morning drinking a Pepsi and hanging out with the crowd at Old Navy or American Eagle, just to save a buck on a pair of jeans. I guess I have a reputation to live up to with my daughter!