Friday, October 31, 2008

The gallery is over but....

Well the gallery is over but I am going to schedule another one for sometime next summer. I will be working the next 9 months to get 30 - 40 new images ready for the next gallery. Its not a ton of work but if I don't get started soon I will forget until next summer then it will be a lot of work. Ahhh, but I am working on my next endeavor. I am currently doing research for a Photo Essay book that I would like to have published. I have wanted to do a photographic essay book for some time now but I didn't have a good topic for one. My wife has inspired me with a topic that I think will make a great book. At this point I am just beginning to start the research that will bring me the subjects of the book. Today was my first official day of research and I think I may have come across the one contact that could help me really get this book started. I am excited to see where this goes from here. This is my first attempt at doing a book so I am learning as I go. I am not sure what it will take to actually get it published but I am going to take it one step at a time. I am sorry that I can't go into detail about the book but until I get it started and have a firm grip on exactly where I am going to go with it, I don't want to say to much. I also would like to have a publisher lined up before I give out too many details. I have read that it could cost as much as $15000.00 dollars to have book published. That is if I self publish it. I don't know exactly how it works with a publishing firm, but I have read that they only pay 8% royalties to the author. That isn't much when you know how much it costs them. As I said before this is my first attempt and I am going to take it one day at a time. If you are reading this and you know of a good publisher that I could contact, let me know. Well gotta go got a lot of research still to do before I go to bed.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's late but I don't want to go to bed.

I am tired but I don't really want to go to bed. If I go to bed then I'll just have to get up early and go to work. I don't like getting up for work. Even if I had a job that I liked it would be hard for me to get up, I have never been an early riser. Someday I'll have a job that I enjoy and maybe then it will at least be easier to get out of bed. I guess it is hard because I know that I am going to spend the day doing the thing that I despise. I have been getting to have a bit of fun as of late though. I was able to shoot a couple of senior portraits recently. It isn't my favorite type of photography but at least I was working with my camera for a change. I also had a gallery this month. I have about 30 pieces of my work on display at One Dayton Centre in downtown Dayton. I have done a couple of other shows but this one will have more viewers in one day than the others combined. This will be the first show that actually will be viewed by people on a daily basis that can afford to purchase a piece. The images above are from the show. Well I gotta go it's getting late.

Photography Tips

Earthbound Light - Nature Photography from the Pacific Northwest and beyond by Bob Johnson

My favorite photographers in no special order.

  • Walker Evans
  • Todd Kuhns
  • Earl Pitman
  • Elliott Erwitt
  • Evelyn Cameron
  • Ansel Adams

My Favorite Authors in no specific order

  • Terry Goodkind
  • Corrie tenBoom
  • Christopher Paolini
  • Marcus Mullins
  • Frank Peretti
  • J.R.R. Tolkein
  • C.S. Lewis

My favorite books in no specific order

  • The Prayer of Jabez
  • Soda Pop
  • Peter's Wagon
  • Look, Theres a mouse in our house
  • Pippa Mouses House
  • The Hiding Place
  • The Inheretance Series (Eragon, Eldest, ?)
  • the Bible
  • Photographing Montana
  • The Chronicles of Narnia series
  • The Lord of the Rings trilogy
  • The Hobbit

Gary's Book Wish List

  • Silence and Solitude by Tom Murphy

What color of socks are more comfortable?

Welcome to Gary's Photo Blog

This is just a little hobby I have started. It is my goal to make a new post each day. Please feel free to sign up as a follower of this blog just below this message. Please check back often to see what I have added.

Thanks for visiting,

Gary - A.K.A. - Photoman

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