O.K. its been more than a week since my last post but who's counting anyway. Well, I guess I just said I have been but then I don't count. Or do I? It really only matters if any of my readers are counting the hours between my posts. Enough of that, lets get to the point of this post, the image above. This shot may not look it but it was a very difficult shot to get. I was using a 70mm-200mm lens with 3 extension tubes. I was about 8 inches off of the ground mounted on a tripod with the legs out flat. The front of the lens was only about 6 inches from the subject, so any little movement would cause the image to blur. I guess the hardest thing about this shot was that I didn't have a cable release with me so I was having to manually release the shutter. It wasn't overly windy but there was enough of a breeze that it took me quite a few exposures to get this shot. I was so pleased that this shot turned out that I chose to use it in the competition over the image from my last post. I think the other image would have shown better in the photographers choice category than this one. Well, I wanted to share this image next as I had mentioned it last post. I also briefly mentioned another image which I will share with you in an upcoming post. As I said last post, I will be going to France and England in a few days so my next post may be a post from my trip overseas. I make no promises as I am sure I will be very busy while I am there. I will be taking many photos and I will share some of them first chance I get. Well once again enjoy and feel free to leave comments.